When you increase the number of gardens, you increase the number of heavens, too!
-Mehmet Murat ildan
When I first learned of Episcopal Relief & Development's Abundant Life Garden Project, I was working at a church surrounded by acres of lush green countryside--a perfect spot to tend some earth and grow good food. However, it was not to be. My next church was surrounded by skyscrapers, steel and concrete--and blessed with a terrace on the third floor. When I told people I was starting a garden, I was greeted with skepticism.
We had surprising success with pots of herbs and cherry tomatoes. Not enough to serve the two hundred or so who attended the soup kitchen for dinner every day, but enough to add to the salad for the ten shelter guests who came every night for a satisfying meal and a comfortable bed.
Enough, too, that the children sold bunches of fresh basil, rosemary, thyme and mint to parishioners during coffee hour. Enough to give back from those proceeds to Episcopal Relief & Development. It was lovely for city kids to grow a garden in pots and lovely to give the women who stayed with us something fresh and delicious to eat. Lovely to know that
our small contribution helped others grow food for themselves. Heaven grows in just this way.
by Wendy Claire Barrie
Wendy Claire Barrie has spent twenty-five years in Episcopal Christian
formation and presently serves as the Director of Children, Youth and
Family Ministries at St. Bartholomew's Church in New York City.